See what our students and parents have to say about their experiences learning to dance, sing, and play instruments at EWMD.
“East West Music and Dance is an awesome school! I found them via a friend many years back and took ballet with them for 6 years. It was a really fun experience-I learned a lot and really enjoyed the excellent training, enthusiasm and professionalism they have at EWMD. Now I have enrolled my 5 year old daughter there and she takes Tap and Ballet. She is really enjoying it and learning a lot. I would not have chosen any other dance school for her.”
– Paula Ross, Parent and Former Student
“My daughters have both taken many dance classes at Pam East Dance Studio and have always loved them. We have been here for over ten years. The teachers are all very professional and understand how to teach young girls. I love the philosophy here at the studio. It is all about the love of dance and performance. My youngest daughter is now taking more classes then she has ever done. I can see that she is much stronger and has more stamina. I also see that she has developed more self-confidence. She might or might not go on to dance in college, but I love that she feels connected and confident in what she is doing. Dance for her is a stress relief. The life of a teenager in the Bay area is pretty stressful. I am glad that this studio understands that. Thank you Pam!”
Mary Ellen Stamos, parent
“I want to especially thank you for all for the incredible dance instruction Talia has had at your studio. She has learned so much, and this year it has really paid off. She had a great time performing as a lead dancer in the Redwood Middle School play (The Wiz) and now is thrilled to be on the Song Team at Saratoga High. These are fantastic opportunities she would not have had without the kind of training she has received from you and your dedicated instructors. It is not only the excellent instruction, but the genuine caring interest you all take towards each other and every one of your students that makes the dance experience at your studio so wonderful. Through their interaction with you and your staff, the girls gain not only technical skill, but the self-assurance, grace and confidence to grow into lovely young women. Thank you being such wonderful mentors in both dance and life!”
– Denise Balma, Parent

“East West Music and Dance has been a wonderful experience. It has been a studio that puts the student’s best interest first… I believe this studio has allowed me first, as a Tiny Tot, to develop a love of dance through creativity and imagination. Later, as I was older, I learned the discipline required for dance.”
– Deborah Black, Student
“My daughter has been dancing at EWMD since she was about to turn 7. She started with 1 class in the beginning and now she has 10 dance classes of different genres (ballet, jazz, contemporary, modern/lyrical, tap, hip hop, etc.) in addition to dance company classes where she performs in malls, festivals, and competition like DMA and NYCDA. She also takes dance (VPA) in High School. Among her peers (mainly freshman to Juniors) are those who have never taken dance and have dance as long as she has at other studios. I am not trying to show off or exaggerate but using it as a way to compare, the long time dancers at her high school have trouble doing a double pirouette while my daughter can do triple and quadruple ones because of her training at EWMD. I personally feel that this studio has been a very positive influence on her and she has gained lots of confidence as a person because of it. Other than high school, she spends about 16 hours a week at EWMD and enjoys every minute of it. As you can imagine, the rest of the time, she is doing homework and studying, sometimes in between dance classes. She is a teenager but she doesn’t have time like other kids to get into ‘teenage situations’.”
“The director and teachers have been outstanding and they have been very positive and nurturing. My impression is that this studio is all about encouragement not discouragement. At her age, encouragement is a good motivator and confidence builder. I also like the fact that some teachers are members of a local dance company, some are local school teachers, and there are long time teacher of dance. They bring different experiences that my daughter has an appreciation for. In fact, one of her teachers recently won the “2012 Spirit of Dance Award” given to a SF/Bay Area dancer. Finally, I feel that the environment of the studio is important. The students dancing in the studio are great kids. You can tell they are all having fun and not stressed out. I am really happy with how some older kids provide by example how to act and behave as well as being great mentors to my daughter. Even after leaving for college, some former dancers come back during school breaks to visit or take classes at the studio. That’s awesome because my daughter can learn from them what comes next in her life.”
– John Yan, Parent
“I have been dancing with East West Music and Dance, the Pam East Dance, since I was four years old. Over the years I have been taught by almost every teacher at the studio at one time or another. EWM&D is my home away from home and those teachers are my second family. Many of my greatest moments and fondest memories occurred with these people in that studio.”
– Zoe Ward, Student

No Studio has encouraged my love of dance more than the wonderful teachers at EWMD….The teachers are nice people, making dancing in their classes a very pleasant experience. The passion I have for dance was mainly created by these teachers, who have guided me with lots of care and devotion.”
– Daisy Mohrman, Student
“EWMD gives everyone, whether they are tall, short, fat or thin an unbiased opportunity to succeed, which is one of the most important qualities I like about this studio….this studio brings out the fun and excitement in dance. I love dancing because it gives a chance for me to express myself in ways other than words.”
– Mercedeh Sabeti, Student
“I feel privileged and honored to be attending this dance studio and I think that everyone else here will say the same. I feel more welcome, appreciated, and loved there then I could begin to explain.”
– Sarah Wells, Student

“A large reason we came (EWMD) and stayed was my desire to find a place which demonstrated an understanding of children and the individual skills and developmental levels found within the same age range. The next very important reason to stay was to have my children be around instructor’s, who’s love of dance & respect for children was apparent in how they addressed and treated children. I have been very impressed with the kindness and respect my children have been shown by Mrs. Pam and her staff. I am very pleased my children have been listened to and treated respectfully, as individuals in their own right. … So far, I have found a gold mine of kindness, respect, knowledge and enthusiasm at Pam East Dance and for this I am so grateful! This year when I asked my girls what extra-curricular activities they would like to participate in they both listed as many dance classes as we could afford…lucky you…lucky me…lucky girls!”
– Julia Soldan, Parent
“I am taking guitar lessons at the EWM&D Studio. …the teachers are interactive learning the music with good teachers is part of how beautiful music is created.”
– Iris To, Music Student
“Voice lessons help me outside of the music world, too. I’m braver and more outgoing which allows me to introduce myself to new people and makes me more confident in myself. I have also learned more about myself. I believe in my talent and that has helped me build my self-esteem.”
– Sarah Baxtor, Music Student

“When I come to East West Music & Dance, I am always excited because the teachers support me, make me feel good, give me confidence and every student is treated equally and is being respected. I feel really special at East West Music & Dance.”
– Maryam Sabeti, Student
“I chose your studio because I sensed the self-respect you fostered in your students. This was certainly evident in last weekends’ performances. It was so refreshing to see children enjoying the art of dance: the beauty, precision and discipline. The choreography was moving, expressive, colorful and modest. I want to thank you for protecting our children and giving them the opportunity to beautifully and appropriately express themselves through the delightful art of dance. Please pass my appreciation along to your excellent staff.”
– Jeanette Yama, Parent
“As Shinu leaves for college, it will be her last class you and your studio/ I just wanted to say “thanks” for all the wonderful dancing you’ve taught her. She will carry the grace with her throughout her life. She thoroughly enjoyed her classes and we thoroughly enjoyed the performances of all our children over the years.”
– Singh Family

“Dancing makes me happy….I’m not just a 6 year old when I dance. When I’m dancing at East West Music and Dance, I get to be someone or something else. It’s like magic.”
– Madeline Miller, Student